Friday, February 03, 2006

Podcasting Comedy

I have been quite a bit of time sampling the incredible number of podcasts that are available. Some I come across because I head about it somewhere, and others I just stumbled across by pure coincidence. My time is short today, so I will only cover a couple of these for now, specifically non-technical podcasts that I found interesting.

Ask A Ninja

Format: Video
Length: about 2 minutes
Frequency: every 4-5 days so far
Feed Links:

In this podcast a friendly ninja takes answers questions about ninja that have been submitted via email. Some of the questions that have been answered thus far include how to become a ninja, and whether or not ninjas can love. The masked ninja in the video has the strong personality of a professional wrestler, and a wit to match. A very funny show.

Happy Tree Friends

Format: Video
Length: ~3 minutes
iTunes Feed:

This cartoon is not for children!! It was rather disturbing when in one episode the poor little forest creature's eye popped out of his head, just to be pecked at by a woodpecker, all the while still attached to him via a long optic nerve. It was so disturbing that I watched it again. If you are into violent cartoons, this one is for you.

The Little Buzzers

Format: Video
Length: ~4 minutes
Feed Links:

This cartoon doesn't rely on violence for it's comedy content... and actually it doesn't even rely on any voices either. This cute little creatures talk to each other using cartoon bubbles that you would expect to see in a comic strip. If you plan on wathing these I suggest going all the way back to the first episode so that you can find out how Greevil got his name.

If you know of any other comedic podcasts that really stand out as different for you, drop me a line at iamroberthanson AT

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