Saturday, July 05, 2008

Launched, for Pulse Pen Users

Back in May I was at JavaOne and had a great time. Among other things I picked up a Pulse pen from Livescribe. If you haven't heard about the Pulse pen, here is the short version... The pulse pen is a computer in a pen, allowing you to record writing and audio as well as write penlet applications in Java. Pre-installed demos include a piano that your draw on the paper then tap to play, and a translator that can translate written words into several other languages.

A colleague and myself were really blown away by the possibilities, and picked up a few of the pens at JavaOne so that we could play around with the Java API. In doing so we learned some things that weren't completely documented, and required some trial and error. So we thought that if we were already doing the research that we might as well publish it on the web. In doing so we created The site has tutorials, applications that you can install on your pen, and Pulse pen related resources.

So, if you picked of one of these cool pens, we hope that you will visit



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

A friend of mine gave me a different code - SCRIBE5A31 that got me 10% off so I thought I would share it. It works at